Stars' Reach Miniatures Kickstarter--Join in Now!

Ad Astra Games is excited that the Stars’ Reach miniatures Kickstarter is fully funded and is surging toward exciting stretch goals. (Getting more miniatures for free is pretty exciting!) To show our support, we’re producing a Stars’ Reach supplement for Squadron Strike.

Starting from pencil sketches by Travis Melton, the ships were digitally mastered by Charles Oines, who has done the 3D ship models for all of Ad Astra Games’ space games. The physical masters have been cast and Acheson Designs has the molds ready to go. This Kickstarter should see product shipping very quickly.

If you don’t play Squadron Strike yet, you’ll be happy to know that ship stats for Stars’ Reach will be available for several space combat systems. This means that you can easily take your fleet and migrate from game to game. Let’s say that you’ve been using your Stars’ Reach miniatures to play Colonial Battlefleet, but when you move to a new city, you join a group playing Squadron Strike. There’s no need to learn how to design good Squadron Strike ships; you just pick up the Stars’ Reach module and start playing!

And, since the Squadron Strike ship design engine automatically generates both 2D and 3D versions of every ship, you can ease new players into the Squadron Strike system.

Support the Stars’ Reach project now!